Meet Monica Makina, A GAIA Nursing Scholar Graduate

Monica Makina is a graduate of the GAIA Nursing Scholar program, just a few years out of school, now running the maternity ward at a rural hospital. GAIA has supported her not just since she entered Nursing School, but since childhood. From very early on, she'd benefited from GAIA's Villages program to support Orphans and Vulnerable Children. She is a shining example of what happens when young people have the proper resources to shine-- and she has been working tirelessly on the frontlines!


Published On:

March 12, 2024

Monica Makina is a graduate of the GAIA Nursing Scholar program, just a few years out of school, now running the maternity ward at a rural hospital.  GAIA has supported her not just since she entered Nursing School, but since childhood. From very early on, she'd benefited from GAIA's Villages program to support Orphans and Vulnerable Children. She is a shining example of what happens when young people have the proper resources to shine-- and she has been working tirelessly on the frontlines!

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